Jonathan Lahr

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I am back...and I'm PUBLISHED!!!

Remember a few blogs ago I mentioned I had a big surprise? Well, this is the surprise. I will have my first short story published in the anthology, "The Monsters Hiding in Your Closet."

The anthology is about monsters that can be found in your closet. Well, maybe not your closet, but somebodies. There are 10 stories in total, all geared to children 9-12 years old, but I think teens and parents could enjoy them as well!

I have been waiting a few months to officially announce this and I am beyond excited to finally see the anthology come together. Right now, it is in the process of heading off to print.

The anthology drops October 1st, but you can pre-order the anthology here on Amazon.

Now that I am back after a month of near silence, I hope to bring some more comic book reviews your way. I am going to push my original timelines back a bit, focusing on a blog per month.


Because I want to bring quality content together and I feel like a full month gives me the time to actually deliver. Longer, more focused content around comics, movies, and writing. Hopefully more content you want to see. For example, do you want to learn about how to network with other writers or how I got involved in publishing a short story to an anthology? I can answer questions like that.

So, please leave a response in the comments what you would like to see more of. More comic book reviews? Writing Prompts? Challenges?

Let me know and I can start getting you the content you would like to see. You can email me, but the best ways to get in touch are through the comment section below and my Twitter: @JjLahr.
