Jonathan Lahr

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Your Privacy, My Policy - Privacy Policy Explained

Hello everyone, 

I just want to update everyone on a few changes around the website and upcoming projects. On the website, I made one significant change: Outlining the privacy policy.

To avoid any long-winded, technical talk about privacy laws, I'll keep it simple: Your privacy is important and your information you provide me is NOT sold. 

The information you provide me is limited to what you find on the email/newsletter form: Name and email. I kept it pretty simple. However, there is some information I do receive from you when you come onto my website. 

I do receive some location information, IP address, and devices a visitor uses on this site through analytics provided by Squarespace and/or Google Analytics. The information I receive doesn't mean I know where you live and who you are. I don't have government access to spy systems and listening devices. 

The only information I receive is the information you freely give me. With this great responsibility, I do my best to protect the information you provide. I don't sell it to third-parties for financial gain or marketing improvements. I use the information to provide better service to you.

That being said, a third-party may get access to your information when you use their platforms, systems, or plugins. For example, if you bought a book on Amazon via PayPal from my book link. Amazon and PayPal would have your information in that situation.

To know what they take and learn more about Squarespace's cookie policy on your device(s), please review my privacy policy under third party or Squarespace's privacy policy.

Now with the boring stuff out of the way, upcoming projects! I wish I could say I have a lot of projects, but I don' least not finished anyway. I did finish a screenplay that I submitted to a contest (fingers crossed it does well) and I've been working on a few short stories. My goal is, by summer's end, to have one story done. 

I know, not much of an update, but it's all I got.

There will be another blog post this week and I will outline a few of the projects in more detail.

Also, if you haven't had time yet, check out Solo: A Star Wars Story. It's way better than people think! 
