Just a super fast update about the story. I am still in the process of determining where to put the story, but I have found a few options. Below is the list of publication platforms:
Research is harder than writing...sometimes.
- Booksie.com
- StoryWrite.com
- Wattpad.com
- or finally, the website
The last option is a free e-book for everyone, not just newsletter subscribers. That would take a bit longer to do as I would have to figure out how to make one. If people want me to do this option, it may take me a little longer to get it ready.
I would really like to publish it to a place where it is easy for everyone to view and still be able to post feedback on the story (what you liked, what you didn't like, how you would have done it better, etc.). I have never wrote a horror story before (unless you consider atrocious writing to be a horror story, then I have written many) and getting some feedback would also be great learning experience.
The decision comes down to you! Please let me know in the comments or on twitter about which option you would like me to do. I will be taking comments until Thursday, October 20th.
Until next week, keep writing everyone! - J.J.