NaNoWriMo 2021 - Weekly Progress

It’s update time! I will be doing a brief update on my work in progress here and you will see an update each week. The title of the science fiction short story collection is called, “A Far-Reaching Thread.”

You can also see my progress at


Number of Days: 30*

Word Count: 36,201*

Average Words Per Day: 1,167*

Average Writing Speed: 1 word per minute*

*All stats updated as of November 30th

NaNoWriMo 2021 - Writing Progress

Remaining Days (couldn’t fit all on chart):

  • Nov 28th - 268 words

  • Nov 29th - 438 words

  • Nov 30th - 308 words

Now you know where I stand and I got more exciting work to go! How have your WIP’s been going? Are you meeting the goal or going beyond it? Give yourself a pat on the back. You’re awesome! Keep it up!

Falling short? Don’t worry, you’re awesome too! Writing is tough. As you can see, I’ve had my off days as well. Remember, don’t be discouraged if you can’t hit the goal every day. It’s all about the journey. This month is about challenging yourself to start, continue, and/or finish your novel. Remember, you can do it.

I hope you all have an excellent time writing next week and until next time…

Read, Write, Edit, Repeat

- J. J.