Free Short Story

Halloween Story is ALIVE!

The Halloween Story is ALIVE and ready to read on the website. The story is titled, "Greedy Little Fingers."

This story is about three young boys in a suburban neighborhood, who's trick or treat adventure takes them on a scary journey off the common path of Jehovah Witness house hopping.

The story is definitely geared to younger readers, but regardless, I hope everyone who reads it enjoys a fun little story this Halloween season.

Reminder, the story will be live on the website until November 4th. All newsletter subscribers will be receive a free Ebook later in November of the story, so remember to subscribe!

Until next week, keep writing everyone - J.J.

Halloween Short Story

Halloween is fast approaching and after getting some feedback on where to put the short story, I believe the best place would be on the website itself. I am going to make a separate tab and place the story there. My hope is to have it up and ready by late tonight or early morning tomorrow. The story will be on the website for a limited time, running from either today/tomorrow until November 4th. After November 4th, I will be making a free eBook for all newsletter subscribers. It may take some time, but it should take less than a month. Fingers crossed!

I hope that this plan is best for everyone to view the short story before, during, and a bit after Halloween. If anyone has any questions or critiques, please feel free to tweet at me or post in the comments.

Until next week, keep writing everyone! - J.J.