Not the alien you were expecting, right?
It's Alien Day! And not the cute kind of alien either (although I much prefer the cute ones). Today is about the movie franchise, Alien. The reason behind the day is actually interesting. The day was picked based on the 1986 movie, Aliens. In the movie, the moon the crew arrives on was unnamed and was temporarily known as, LV-426. The number translates to the American (not European) date of April 26th or 4/26.
Pretty cool, huh? Anyways, in honor of the day, Alien: Covenant released a prologue video about what happened after the movie, Prometheus. You will need to watch the movie first to understand it, but I found the short really cool! Also, if it wasn't obvious, Alien is not for little kids. None of them are...
That's my short (and somewhat late) post for today. An apology post so to speak. Expect another one on Friday and I hope to get a bit more consistent moving forward.
Next week, I also hope to have another comic book review so keep your eyes peeled for another post.