NaNoWriMo 2017

Update - National Novel Writing Month

As promised, an update on my writing progress for this month. In a word...disappointing. It has been a struggle to get words on the page, especially good ones. I have been experimenting with different forms to get the content out, but its been mostly a struggle. However, there is good news! 

The last couple of days have been going well! I mean, its not 1,000 words a day, but it's definitely better. 

So, you might be asking, "Why are you struggling to write?" Maybe you aren't asking, but I am going to tell you. I have been juggling quite a few projects, one being a film. A few years ago, I made a film with my brother and a few friends. My brother and I had been doing some promotion, but I really put my brother in charge of it. The movie is called, "Continuity and Other Errors." It's a weird story and the trailer doesn't really do it justice. 

It has only played at one film festival so far and was preselected for the New York Film Festival. We are waiting on responses from other film festivals, but right know, its been pretty slow. 

Now you know a bit about what has been slowing me down this month. I am looking forward to the rest of the month where I hope to completely turn this slump around and meet the 1,000 words a day mark. Maybe even have another free short story! Maybe.

My question for you, "How has your writing been going?"

I hope it's been better than mine. I will provide a final (more comprehensive) writing update at the end of the month or December 1st. 

Until then, keep writing! - J.J.

National Novel Writing Month has Begun!

November 1st - 30th - Write that novel!

November 1st - 30th - Write that novel!

Today is the first day of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I am not participating. It's not because I don't want to, I do, but I know I shouldn't. Last year, I took up the challenge. I tried to write 50,000 words in a month's span. I ended the month with around 40,000 words. That was 40,000 words I didn't have before on a brand new story. To make it harder, I did it without an outline.  I impressed myself with how well I did. The writing itself may not be spectacular, but it was a great exercise. 

The reason I am not doing it this year is simple: I have too many story ideas. I am always coming up with different stories. Novellas, short stories, screenplays, full novels, a series of novels. I have all these ideas, most of them somewhat outlined, but the problem is none of them are complete. I want to take the time to complete at least one of them. The one project I would like to finish is last year's NaNoWriMo story. I am 40,000 words deep and thought it might be good to finish it and do some editing on that draft zero of a story. If I finish the draft before the end of the month, I'll work on two other stories I had in mind as well. It's good to get some space from a draft before editing anyways. 

So, that is my own personal NaNoWriMo challenge I guess. Finish one novel by the end of the month. I plan to give you an update on the progress at the halfway point and the end of the month. 

That being said, NaNoWriMo is a great opportunity to challenge yourself as a writer and push yourself creatively. If you have a story idea and really want to see it finished, even if it is just for yourself, I recommend participating in NaNoWriMo. Also, don't limit yourself to writing just novels. If you got a cool comic book story, write that. Take this month to make your own writing challenge and go after it.

If you haven't done the NaNoWriMo challenge, I highly suggest you try it. Their website has a lot of great features, inspirational content, and even some support groups. They even have a 2017 worldwide word count on their webpage, which is pretty cool!

For more information on NaNoWriMo, visit their website.

Get out their and start writing! -J.J.