
Best Superpower in the World - Luck!

If you are reading this you are most likely under the drinking age, don't like going outside, or have a rational fear of clovers. Or all three. Regardless, I thank you. If you are reading this AFTER St. Patrick's Day, please leave a comment about how it went. I hope it went well.

Anyways, I was going to talk about Irish superheroes or superheroes who wear a green costumes. As you might of guessed, everyone beat me to it (CBR is always on the ball).

So, today I will be talking about how the four-leaf clover is the Best Superpower in the World!

"So you're saying there's a chance..." - Lloyd Christmas

"So you're saying there's a chance..." - Lloyd Christmas

The four-leaf clover is a rare variation of the common three leaf clover with a lot of cultural tradition attached to it. How rare is a four leaf clover you may ask? Well, approximately, for every 10,000 three leaf-clovers, there is four four-leaf clovers. The odds aren't great for the little guy.

The rarity played a big factor in bringing about traditions that have been passed on for generations. The four leaves stand for: Hope, Faith, Love, and Luck. The idea is pretty simple: If a person who possesses a four-leaf clover, they gain luck and goodwill. I should've held on to mine...

Yet, what makes a four-leaf clover the best superpower in the world are two factors:

  1. It can't be controlled by outside forces.
  2. It works in your favor...and against your enemy.

The superhero, Shamrock, is a great example of how luck was an awesome superpower. From my knowledge, she was never defeated in combat. If it wasn't her perfect timing, it was her enemies mishaps. Nothing could go right for her enemies. The best part was nobody could weaken or stop her power. If they tried, luck would bail her out of a jam.

Now, if you don't think consider that a superpower (which is fair to argue), then she really is not that special. She has no skills or powers outside of luck. But, she didn't take crap from nobody.

So that was my short take on why I think the four-leaf clover (A.K.A. Luck) is the best superpower in the world. I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you agree? Do you militantly disagree? Or did you find this a waste of your time?

Let me know in the comments. I am still working on seeing what you, the reader, want to see from this blog. So, please be vocal. Squealing kids get the onion rings...or something like that.

Regardless, have a safe and fun St. Patrick's Day! If you don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day, have a great weekend!


Renaissance Festival 2016

Good day my fellow lords and ladies! This weekend, I will be attending the Renaissance Festival to enjoy the sights and sounds of an amazing magical world. Well...I might not go straight to magical, but I really enjoyed absorbing all it had to offer.

What I am really excited for is seeing the Keg Toss and a game of Giant Jenga! I can only imagine the epic size of the Jenga set (which will probably pale in comparison to my own imagined monstrosity). 

This is his third book in the series that will be released at the Renaissance Fair.

This is his third book in the series that will be released at the Renaissance Fair.

Its always fun to see something different and take in some new ideas for fantasy stories. Also, a fantasy author will be at the festival with his newest book. The author is Troy A. Skog, writer of the Kings of Pendar series. I haven't heard anything about this author prior to the festival, but I look forward to learning more about his books. I may have to bring some extra money to buy a copy or two.

I will keep you posted on all my adventures on twitter (@Jjlahr).

Also, make sure to comment and/or subscribe to the newsletter for a chance to win the comic book giveaway.

Until next week, I bid ye farewell!