My projects have been moving a bit slower than I would like due to some additional job duties at work, but I hope to get one of my short stories finished this week. At the beginning of August I made some good progress on the Comic Con romance, but these last two weeks were snail pace progress. Still, slow progress is progress! My hope is to get it completed this weekend though, so that's great! The story will be involving a fan favorite comic book heroine, Squirrel Girl.
The squirrels are so adorable! They get less adorable when they carry pizza up trees though...
For my Sci-Fi stories, I have been getting some inspiration after reading some of Phillip K. Dick's short stories in his collection. I highly recommend the story AutoFac, it was a compelling little story about self-replicating robotic factories and the human struggle for resources. Definitely check it out!
Next week, I will be posting a review/impressions of a comic book I had just finished reading that I really enjoyed. It may or may not be a part of an upcoming giveaway. Stay Tuned!