It's giveaway time! For the people who have been subscribed to the newsletter, they already had an idea a week ago.

Starting today and ending September 28th, anyone who posts a comment to my blog posts (about comic books) or subscribes to the newsletter will be entered for opportunity to receive 14 free comic books!

I picked a variety of random comic books ranging in publishers from Vertigo to DC to Marvel. The picture below shows all the comics, but a few are tucked away to add a bit of mystery.

If you can guess the comic book third from the right, I will throw in another comic book for the comic book giveaway winner! Post in the comments or @Jjlahr

If you can guess the comic book third from the right, I will throw in another comic book for the comic book giveaway winner! Post in the comments or @Jjlahr

Quick Writing Update: I recent received an honorable mention from Writer's Digest in their annual writing competition for my short story, Love Came Down. I will be entering it to a few more publishers to see if they are interested in publishing, but if not, I will be posting the full short story on my blog. I also have some additional projects in the works that I hope to have ready to share by November/December. Stay tuned and thanks for all your support!

Legends of Chaos Review

While at LionCon this year, I was introduced to a new game by a neighboring vendor called Legends of Chaos. Legends of Chaos is a card game similar in style and design as Magic: The Gathering, but with different rules.

The game pits two or more hero characters against each other in a battle royale, using a myriad of weapons and sidekicks to defeat one another.

For people who are familiar with Magic: The Gathering, Legends of Chaos may appear to be a knock-off of the popular card game. At first glance, you would be correct. The gameplay is identical to Magic, except for a few elements. The game starts with choosing one of seven playable hero cards. These heroes determine how much health a player has at the beginning of the game and dictate which cards can be used based on their class.

Unlike Magic, Legends of Chaos does not use land or other types of energy cards. Instead of drawing monster cards to attack the opponent, the player draws weapon cards that can only be used by the player's hero or sidekick. A sidekick card, once drawn, can be added to the battlefield to provide additional attack and defense options.

Another element that differs from the Magic is the use of a "One/Two" card. The card dictates how many cards a player draws at the beginning of his/hers turn. The card always defaults at one each turn, but when a sidekick is played, the player can draw two cards the next turn. Each turn the card must be flipped, alternating how many cards can be drawn each turn.

For more information on their rules, it can be found on their website and they have a printable PDF as well.

Although the game may seem to only have a few differences in terms of gameplay and rules, I thought overall it was a fun little game that is early in its development. They have only the first series printed and they are working on the second series. It was cool to support an emerging card game company, even if they have an upward battle in front of them with the dominance of Magic: The Gathering.

What I will say that would help improve the game's success at conventions would be developing a stronger, more condensed explanation of the rules. It was confusing at first when it was being explained, but once I started playing it, I picked it up quickly. I hope the team can find a simpler way of explaining the game to emerging audiences.

What are your thoughts on this game? Has anyone played this game or would like to give it a try? Leave a comment below if you have and share with a friend. Also, expect a writing and giveaway update next week!

LionCon 2016

First, I want to apologize for the lack of social media updates about LionCon and in general. I was stupid and forgot to bring my phone. Early mornings are evil!

The t-shirt is awesome!

The t-shirt is awesome!

Last Saturday, the first annual LionCon kicked off and I am glad to report it was a success! LionCon was a board game convention hosted by LionHeart Games in St. Cloud, MN. It was my first convention I have ever attended and since it took place at a rather small venue; I tempered my expectations. There were a handful of fun vendors ranging from board games to "geek" clothing, card game tournaments, and even a cosplay contest.

Being my first convention and all, I did my best to enjoy the experience. I got a cool t-shirt with Super Mario Bros. on the front and bought a new card game, Legends of Chaos.

Legends of Chaos is a fun game that is similar to Magic: The Gathering and I encourage you to pick up a copy at their online store if you are looking for a new game to try. I will be giving a full review of the game later next week.

Still, the main reason I came to the event was to support a friend of mine. My friend, Spencer, was a vendor at LionCon and he was selling handmade artisan chess boards, along with his pottery pieces.

These pieces are really awesome!

These pieces are really awesome!

The chess boards and pieces were completely handcrafted. The boards come in walnut and oak and all the pieces are made of clay. I also challenged a fellow patron to a game and won, so that was pretty cool too! To see his other pieces, check out his website.

Photo Credit: Spencer R. Johannes

Photo Credit: Spencer R. Johannes

Overall, LionCon was an incredible experience and I look forward to sharing my adventures with everyone next year!

Comic Book Review - Fantastic Four

Two months ago, I picked up a bunch of random comic books and I thought it would be fun to give my thoughts/recommendation on a few of them. This week, I will be giving my thoughts on Marvel’s Fantastic Four.

Marvel’s Fantastic Four - Volume Two Issue One - November 1996 - Created by Jim Lee, Brandon Choi, and Scott Williams.

Marvel’s Fantastic Four - Volume Two Issue One - November 1996 - Created by Jim Lee, Brandon Choi, and Scott Williams.

The one that I found was an origin story of the Fantastic Four. I was actually quite unfamiliar with Fantastic Four’s origin story and this was the first Fantastic Four comic book I had ever read. This comic book (Volume Two, Issue One) is from November of 1996 and it was a little exciting to read a comic during the decade I had spent a portion of my childhood in.

Spoiler Warning: If you don’t know the origin of the Fantastic Four, you may want to skip ahead as I spoil the whole issue….then again, you had like over 20 years to get to this particular issue so if you haven’t read it yet, will you really read it now? Anyway, onwards and upwards!


The story starts with Ben Grimm piloting the Excelsior prototype in a training simulator for Dr. Reed Richards. The training simulator is collecting data that was going to be used to test the Excelsior Spaceship’s new Quantum Drive. The Excelsior Project is intended on advancing human space exploration and making contact with alien life. Meanwhile, Susan Storm is heading out to meet with Reed and Ben to watch the Excelsior launch and provide PR tie-in for their casino. Before Susan leaves, she is confronted by Special Agent Wyatt Wingfoot of S.H.I.E.L.D. Wyatt Wingfoot, by orders of the President of the United States, takes over the Excelsior Project in light of news from NASA that an unusual energy fluctuation with the Stellar Anomaly.

Jumping back to the Excelsior Project location, Ben is making his way to the Central City airport to pick up Susan when he runs into Johnny and his girlfriend driving a black Lamborghini Diablo (which really puts a stamp on the date). After some witty banter, they engage in a game of chicken that ends in Johnny’s girlfriend rightly turning the wheel to avoid certain death. Ben continues onward and picks up Susan, along with Special Agent Wingfoot and his team.

At the launch site, Dr. Herbert informs Reed that he has been taken off the project by Washington. When Dr. Richards pushes to learn more, Ben, Susan, and Special Agent Wingfoot arrive and Wingfoot takes over command. After some argument and resistance, Reed and Ben are locked up. Then, Wingfoot instructs Susan and Johnny to input the final launch codes though the use of a bio-metric scanner. They both comply, but Susan and Johnny refuse to help and further. Susan and Johnny are swiftly subdued and escorted to their holding cell.

From the prison, Ben and Reed watch Wingfoot’s team fuel the Excelsior and arm it with nuclear weapons. Johnny and Susan, while being escorted to their cells, cause a diversion and disarm their guards. They make their way to Ben and Reed’s cells, break them loose. Just as the group escaped, Wingfoot launches Excelsior heading straight for the Stellar Anomaly. The group quickly found spacesuits and chase after Excelsior in the Prototype spaceship. They successfully escape make it into space. Before they could get to the Excelsior, Wingfoot fired the missiles containing the nukes. The Stellar Anomaly starts to expand and radiation levels rise, causing the group to abandon ship through the escape pods.

The escape pods land on an island in the Caribbean island and Johnny Storm lands while on fire. In fear, he dived into the water trying to put himself out. When he resurfaces, he finds a long string of flesh that he pulls onto the land. What comes out is Reed, a real-life Stretch Armstrong. Reed concludes that their exposure to cosmic radiation had changed their bio-molecular structure giving them superhuman powers.

On another part of the island, Ben starts to slowly morph into a rock creature “Thing.” Susan, separated from everyone, finds the Quantum Drive and starts to look for the others to help her fix the core’s reactor before it explodes. As Susan travels deeper into the island, she finds Ben completely changed into the rock creature. The two are immediately attacked by an unknown source before moving back to Johnny and Reed, who had just fallen into a tunnel and were surrounded by weird alien ape like creatures. The creatures take Johnny and Reed to their leader.

Once they make it to their domain, Reed and Johnny watch as Ben and Susan, both chained to an odd altar, face down what I could only describe as a boney, Alien/T-Rex love child. The monster lunches toward Susan, but before it ate her, she turned invisible. From Ben’s perspective, the monster had just dinned on Susan and that made Ben more than a little angry. Ben broke from his chains and clobbered the monster to death. Johnny and Reed quickly joined the fight and cleared out the remaining alien ape creatures.

Then, the classic villain reveal. A green, staff wielding menace self-proclaimed as Moleman approached the group, ready to fight and ultimately destroy mankind. That is where it ended. 


I am going to start off by saying that Fantastic Four had not really interested me from a comic book standpoint and the latest movie did not exactly increase my desire to seek it out. Regardless, I gave it a shot and I was impressed with the comic overall. The characters had great chemistry and the dialogue was light and witty at times. It definitely shows some age, but it is not off putting.

My favorite part of the comic was the art direction. In the newer comics, the artwork and design is cool and sleek, but I liked seeing this “older” style that felt more like a comic book and less like an graphic novel.

I give this comic a solid 4/5. I would definitely recommend it to people who have an interest in the Fantastic Four, but are just starting out. Some may so go for the older ones, but I thought this one was pretty good.

Now you know what I think, but I would like to know what everyone else thinks. Which Fantastic Four comic would you recommend to a friend or fan of comic books? Leave a response in the comments below. Also, let me know what comic books (or movies) that you would like me to read/watch next.

Oh, before I forget, the giveaway. This September's newsletter will detail when the giveaway it is starting and what it will be. So, signup for the newsletter if you want the inside scoop!

Writing Update #2

My projects have been moving a bit slower than I would like due to some additional job duties at work, but I hope to get one of my short stories finished this week. At the beginning of August I made some good progress on the Comic Con romance, but these last two weeks were snail pace progress. Still, slow progress is progress! My hope is to get it completed this weekend though, so that's great! The story will be involving a fan favorite comic book heroine, Squirrel Girl.

The squirrels are so adorable! They get less adorable when they carry pizza up trees though...

The squirrels are so adorable! They get less adorable when they carry pizza up trees though...

For my Sci-Fi stories, I have been getting some inspiration after reading some of Phillip K. Dick's short stories in his collection. I highly recommend the story AutoFac, it was a compelling little story about self-replicating robotic factories and the human struggle for resources. Definitely check it out!

Next week, I will be posting a review/impressions of a comic book I had just finished reading that I really enjoyed. It may or may not be a part of an upcoming giveaway. Stay Tuned!

Super Hero Olympics 2016

In honor of the Rio Olympics, I decided to have some fun and give you a list of which Comic Book heroes would make the Olympics and which events they would win (or lose). Here are the 10 events selected!


He's probably touching his Gold medal tonight...

He's probably touching his Gold medal tonight...

  • Gold Medal - Deadpool
  • Silver Medal - Katana
  • Bronze Medal - Swordsman

Deadpool is a bit of an underdog for the fencing event. I think most people would put Katana in the Gold position, but I feel Deadpool's unconventional style would aid him during the match. I did have Swordsman in the silver position, but I feel Katana's drive for victory would ultimately edge out Swordsman.


  • Gold Medal - Aquaman
  • Silver Medal - Tempest
  • Bronze Medal - Namora

It may seem a bit obvious that the King of the Sea would also be the winner of the Gold medal, but no other hero could really contest with him. Tempest for silver was kind of a toss of coin because I could easily see Namora get silver as well.

Track Events

  • Gold Medal - Flash
  • Silver Medal - Makkari
  • Bronze Medal - Runner

I am aware that many would argue that Zoom and Silver Surfer should be on this list, but much of their abilities have to do with time travel and morphing time to move "fast." I wanted to focus on heroes that could actually run fast. Flash is the only one in my mind who could win the gold. I considered Superman for the bronze, but after some serious thought, Makkari and Runner both would edge him out.


Took warm down stretching way to seriously!

Took warm down stretching way to seriously!

  • Gold Medal - Mr. Fantastic
  • Silver Medal - Catwoman
  • Bronze Medal - Black Widow

Mr. Fantastic is sort of a unfair hero for this event due to his unreal flexibility, but in any good sporting event, sometimes the favorite comes out on top. Silver was a lot harder to decide. Plenty of heroes could dominate in this event, but I chose Catwoman due to her background in gymnastics. Black Widow rounded up the bronze not because of her insane body control that was on full display in the movies.

Shot Put

Probably break the Shot Put to be honest.

Probably break the Shot Put to be honest.

  • Gold Medal - Hulk
  • Silver Medal - Superman
  • Bronze Medal - Thing

Hulk wins this event partially based on some information I gathered from a Nerdist article. As stated in "Betrayal!" Secret Wars II 8 (February 1986), Hulk's potential strength was "not finite" and if the Hulk could utilize that strength, he could beat Superman for the Gold. Thing is similar to the Hulk in regards to strength, but I feel Superman is slightly better. It could go either way.


Harley Davidson's newest spokesperson.

Harley Davidson's newest spokesperson.

  • Gold Medal - Ghost Rider
  • Silver Medal - Green Lantern
  • Bronze Medal - Spiderman

Ghost Rider would have the most biking experience, which I would like to weigh higher than Green Lantern's glowing bike. Spiderman would get the bronze just because I feel he would try real hard. Trying may not be enough to win a medal, but his occasional comments could distract other riders (not as bad as Deadpool, but still pretty bad). Plus, its not everyday a high school with spidey senses can win a medal at the Olympics.

Beach Volleyball

Kerri Walsh Jennings's inspiration...or was that Leslie Jones?

Kerri Walsh Jennings's inspiration...or was that Leslie Jones?

  • Gold Medal - Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel
  • Silver Medal - Spiderman and Invisible Woman
  • Bronze Medal - Batman and Robin

Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, two of the most iconic women superheroes in their respective universes, would be excellent teammates and consummate professionals on the beach. Spiderman and Invisible Woman has to be one of the most fun and interesting team dynamics. Imagine never knowing where the spike was going to come from or where it will go? That being said, talk about a communication nightmare! Batman and Robin are the obvious bronze medal as one of the most consistent and balanced teams under Batman's leadership.


  • Gold Medal - Supergirl
  • Silver Medal - She-Hulk
  • Bronze Medal - Black Panther
Golden Hair, Golden Medal, Golden Hustle!

Golden Hair, Golden Medal, Golden Hustle!

Supergirl vs She-Hulk would be a very close match up in tennis, each with great strength and quickness. She-Hulk definitely has the anger in her favor late in matches, but Supergirl has an unparalleled hustle that makes her the gold standard. Black Panther would have the speed and power combination to spread the court and finish with power. Still, Supergirl and She-Hulk definitely have a power that Black Panther couldn't replicate on the serves.


What all Paralympians look like! #realolympians

What all Paralympians look like! #realolympians

  • Gold Medal - Daredevil
  • Silver Medal - Batgirl
  • Bronze Medal - Iron Fist

I had fun with this list, knowing Iron Fist probably has the best chance of winning. So, I thought, who would be some talented underdogs that could outdo Iron Fist? I feel Iron Fist would underestimate Batgirl in the Judo ring and her talent would elevate her performance for a surprise win. Daredevil would have a tougher time to the finals, but would defy the odds and show that even human "disabilities" can become incredible abilities. The ultimate underdog story!


How did you hit Quick Silver!?!

How did you hit Quick Silver!?!

  • Gold Medal - Hawkeye
  • Silver Medal - Green Arrow
  • Bronze Medal - Huntress

For archery, I felt it best not to add sharpshooters who used guns and focus solely on bow wielding comic book characters. Green Arrow and Hawkeye would be pretty close for a majority of the competition, but Green Arrow's reliance on trick shot arrows may be his downfall. Huntress would be keep it close with Green Arrow, but Green Arrow's experience gives him the advantage in the Silver medal match.

These are my thoughts on Olympic Medal for the Super Heroes. What do you think of the list? Do you think others should win the Gold and if so, who? Leave a comment below on your thoughts!


Suicide Squad Review - Better Than Critics Say It Is!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch the latest DC universe film, Suicide Squad, and I wanted to offer a more balanced review than what I saw on the internet prior to its release.

As everyone may know by now, Suicide Squad has received quite a bit of backlash from critics (currently sitting at 27% on Rotten Tomatoes). However, I feel that the critics may be overreacting on the film’s perceived mistakes and shortcomings. This review will spoil the movie so proceed at your own caution.

The movie does not ease anyone into introductions and jumps right into the characters and uses flashbacks to develop the character’s origins. Although I was thrown off guard by the approach initially, I actually liked it and felt it was fitting for the tone of the movie. Deadshot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), and Amanda Walker (Viola Davis) were by far the most interesting characters in the movie for me. Will brought a cool, hitman energy to the character that I felt was in line with the comic books. He is definitely the star in this movie, but Margot almost stole the show. Her portrayal as Harley Quinn was near perfect, hitting both the Brooklyn accent and fun attitude of the character. Her performance alone should be worth a look by producers as a potential spin-off with real potential. Viola Davis’s performance as Amanda Walker was chilling…and in a good way. Now that I reflect back on it, Viola Davis may have had the best performance of the three.

The Villains in their graphic skull glory....well maybe not glory.

The Villains in their graphic skull glory....well maybe not glory.

The character that was most hyped coming into this movie was obviously the Joker. The stories of Jared Leto's interactions with cast members and his method performance was what people thought would be a major character in the story. In reality though, his role was really more of a cameo, but an important one to the film. Joker did move the story forward in his quest to retrieve Harley Quinn and it put another unique element to building Harley's backstory. For fans of the comics, they already knew that Joker's participation in the movie would be limited as he is not an official member of the Suicide Squad. So, due to his lack of participation in the movie as a whole, I think it is hard to truly judge Jared Leto's Joker performance to harshly. It was cameo performance and should be treated as such.



The other characters each had varying importance within the movie and having that variation wasn’t bad. The character I feel was actually most important to movie was Col. Rick Flagg. He’s kind of the center piece of this whole movie in a way. His girlfriend, June Moon (A.K.A. Enchantress) is actually the main villain and the one person Col. Rick Flagg doesn’t want to lose. Amanda Walker manipulates this relationship to have Enchantress do her bidding. That is until Enchantress goes off the reservation and escapes the watchful eye Amanda Walker. I could go on and on about the story from here, but I would rather not spoil the whole movie. What I can say is the movie was simple and straightforward, which I found to be somewhat refreshing. The movie did try to over reach and become something it wasn't meant to be. It was not meant to complete against Marvel or do better than Superman Vs. Batman to justify DC movie universe. It told a story about a bunch of villains, when backed into a corner, can come together to defeat a greater evil.


Here I will be addressing some of the major film criticism that I heard from critics, but I will be talking a bit about the David Ayer's approach to the film. I feel it is important to note before judging a movie too harshly.

Being a fan of both comic books and general cinema helped me appreciate what the director, David Ayer, was trying to do with this movie. Each director has a different style and David’s style is definitely more character focused; something that was mentioned also by Jai Courtney and other cast members. He wants to see strong performances and give the actors that room to deliver the performance. Overall, I feel like his cast did accomplish that goal.

Sipping espresso and reading film criticism....the good life!

Sipping espresso and reading film criticism....the good life!

David (and the cast) also brought more empathy to their characters. Deadshot's backstory involved his daughter, Harley Quinn's backstory revolved around her complex relationship with Joker, and Diablo (Jay Hernandez) also focused around his family. Other characters in the movie (Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc, and Katana) are not as well developed, but it doesn’t make them bad characters by any means.

As many could gleam from the trailer, this movie was going to be an ensemble piece in a similar vein as the Avengers, except it’s in a different universe and the main “Protagonists" are actually villains. Unlike other films similar to Avengers or Captain America Civil War, many of the characters introduced in this movie were first introduced to audiences in this movie. Only fans of the comic books or cartoons would have basic knowledge of what was going to happen. That may be a reason why some critics had a problem with the movie. Marvel has been blessed with the ability to release individual origin stories and then move to the larger ensemble movie. DC simply worked it in reverse.

Other criticism revolved around a thinly written script and poor plot, which I disagree with. To say the plot is poor is hard to justify. I believe the plot was quite simple, but to say it was poor would seem more like a knee-jerk reaction. In terms of writing, especially for film, people need to understand just how hard that is to accomplish. Sometimes writing can be elevated by an amazing performance by an actor or actress. Other times, writing can be element that helped inspire the direction and performance of the actors. Film is a different world in terms of writing since film is a visual medium. Was the writing Oscar worthy? No, but is it really bad? I don't think it is at all! I think the writing was fitting to the story and fit the darker, comic book style that the director initially set out to accomplish.

Overall, what this movie did was give us something different while still fitting within a DC Cinematic Universe. The acting was solid, story was nice and simple, and the action was well done. I can't speak for the critics, but there are no hard and set rules to film criticism. It really boils down to did people like it or not and then justify. From my experience in the theater and among other DC fans, I think people did like it! So, I would recommend checking out this movie if you are a fan of comic books, particularly DC, or wanting to see a different take on the traditional film anti-hero discussion.

These are my thoughts on the movie, but I would like to know what your thoughts are on the movie? Did you like it or did you agree with the critics? Please leave a comment below or share this article with your fellow comic book fans.

Writing Update

Today's post will be an update (different from the newsletter) on my short story and novel progress.

This last week was incredibly busy, but productive. I made some progress on two short stories: One nerd romance (in honor of Comic Con) and one Sci-Fi story. Both stories, once completed, will make some rounds to different short story publishers for potential publication. If neither of the stories get published, I may consider posting them either to the website or create a free e-book. I find it important that stories are created and read by others. Stories are meant to do one of these three things:

  • Inspire
  • Entertain
  • Educate

If it accomplishes one of those its good, but if it accomplishes all three its great! Would it be great to get paid for creating stories? Of course! However, I feel it is more important that stories are read and shared with others.

For my novel, I finished a rough draft in December of last year and I have progressed through several drafts and a few trusted beta readers to get the novel ready to pursue agent representation. What people won't tell you is that a polished draft is only the start! Another step in the adventure for publication is getting an agent and to get an agent's interest is through crafting a query letter.

A few months ago, I attended a webinar through Writer's Digest titled Focus on Young Adult Fiction: Writing a Strong Young Adult Novel and Crafting the Query Letter. The webinar, as the title spells out pretty well, focused on constructing query letters for Young Adult and Middle Grade novels. The presenter of the webinar was Marie Lamba. Marie Lamba is a literary agent at Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency. The webinar was a great opportunity to learn about the Young Adult and Middle Grade industry and the insights on how the market is moving now was invaluable. As a part of the webinar, participants were able to send in their query letters for review and edits. I had been working on my query letter for a couple of months for my unpublished novel and I decided to get some professional advice.

Last Wednesday, I received some positive feedback and edits on my query letter. It was amazing to see some professional input on a query letter and how to create a tighter, more compelling query letter. I didn't have much time to look through the edits last week, but I plan to take a closer look this week and continue to sharpen the query letter for the next couple of weeks. 

So, that is my update on my writing projects and I hope to share some of my writing projects with everyone soon. On Friday, I will be posting a review of the movie Suicide Squad. I have been hearing word about some poor reviews by critics, but I would like to withhold judgement until I actually see it for myself.

Top Five Comic-Con 2016 Trailers

San Diego Comic Con kicked off last weekend and it was amazing to hear all the exciting news about new movies, games, and comic books. There is so much to digest from every category that I decided to keep this post focused on a few of my favorite movie trailers.

Here we will be going through what I believe are the top five trailers from Comic Con 2016.


This trailer is absolutely beautiful and felt completely different than other reiterations of the classic King Kong movie. This reboot stars Loki’s Tom Hiddleston and newly announced Captain Marvel’s Brie Larson. It’s cool seeing some great actors and actresses start moving to the mainstream market in a movie so many people are familiar with. The feel of the trailer put more focus on military survivalist and adventure, which I was hoping to see more of in movies in general. I am ready to see how this movie unfolds and go on another jungle adventure with King Kong.

Honorable Mentions: Marvel’s Defender and Marvel’s Luke Cage


Doctor Strange is a comic book character that I am not familiar with other than the backstory that was telegraphed to us in the teaser trailer and what I have heard in passing that he is infinitely wealthy through the use of his powers. The trailer was like watching Inception with a Sherlock Holmes dressed as a wizard. That being said, I really liked Inception. Staring Benedict Cumberbatch, the mind bending visual effects were on full display and I am excited to learn a bit more about his backstory in the movies and see how it differs from the comic books. At the very least, we will get know if the Doctor uses the WiFi password.


Two words: Guy Ritchie. You could feel the Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows vibe merely seconds into the trailer and it only got better as it went along. The movie, staring Charlie Hunnam, tells the tale of King Arthur’s rise to power and the classic sword, Excalibur. It had been a long time since I had visited the tale of King Arthur regardless of medium and I feel like this movie might be the one to get me back into the stories. I placed this particular trailer above Doctor Strange and Kong: Skull Island because I have been looking for a good medieval story and I feel like this one is going to deliver.


Wonder Woman was one of the movies I was holding my breath on. After seeing Gal Gadot’s portrayal of Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman, I was optimistic about Wonder Woman becoming a great movie with Gal at the helm. Then the trailer dropped….and blew my expectations out of the water. The trailer showed us a little bit about the Amazonian origin and being set in World War 1 was a great decision. The vibe of the trailer was similar to the first Captain America movie, but without the traditional love interest. The trailer is definitely a feminist dream and it’s finally becoming a reality in a good way. It’s not slapping you in the face in an obvious way as other movies have tried before and I think this could be a positive step forward for women in movies, both in-front and behind the camera. If the trailer is any indication of what to expect in this movie, fans and non-fans alike are going to go crazy for this movie.


Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice was a movie that really disappointed me and I know I am not alone in that opinion. It also made me wonder if Zack Snyder’s direction would be best suited for the Justice League movie. The Justice League trailer was the first trailer I watched and after it finished, I watched it three more times. Heck, it wasn’t even acknowledged as a trailer. It was stated as “Special Comic Con Footage”, which is probably why I was interested in checking it out in the first place. The pacing was great, leading off with Batman attempting to recruit Aquaman. The only thing I knew about Aquaman in this trailer was that he was in it. That’s it. Aquaman, from what I have seen, generally is shown as a blonde, orange and green tights wearing character that gets made fun of all the time. Instead, Aquaman is an intense looking, beer chugging Hawaiian named Jason Momoa. Aquaman alone sealed it for me, but the trailer just kept going. The tone had a much more fun tone as Ben Affleck/Bruce Wayne/Batman tries to recruit the remaining members of the team. Although Aquaman sealed the deal for me, The Flash (played by Ezra Miller), was my favorite part. His awkward, nerdy demeanor was an excellent take on the Flash character. Also, his lack of friends made him all the more lovable. This was by far my favorite movie trailer and my most anticipated movie for 2017.

Let me know your thoughts on this list and if you liked the post, feel free to share.

Weekend in Emily, MN - Emily Day's Event

Last week was a whirlwind of work and summer fun, but I don’t think people want to hear about grant writing (unless you do, just let me know in the comments). For fun, I spent the weekend at my family’s cabin to celebrate Emily Day’s. Emily is a small city in Northern Minnesota that holds an annual celebration that includes a parade, delicious food vendors (GYROS!), artisans, and is capped off with fireworks. The parade is the staple of the event, but I was more interested in the food and artisans.

They had 12-foot tables lined with hats, knives, and other random knick knacks. It had an old-time redneck vibe, but it was really fun to just see all it had to offer. The biggest surprise at the event was a video game re-seller that had the full spectrum of games available from SNES to Xbox One. I did some snooping and found the game, Blitz, which was quite a nostalgia moment for me. What stood out the most at the Emily Day’s event was a self-published author by the name of M.E. Gryffon. What I found odd was she was dressed in a black Chinese dress, which I had only seen worn by Fanny Wong in Shanghai Knights. I took some time to chat with her and decided to support a fellow author. I bought her novel, "Rune of the Guardian" for only $10.

Guardian book

I haven’t read the book yet, but I am interested to see if the novel is a diamond in the rough instead of a just…rough. I looked around online to see if the writer had a website or something and all I could find was a single Goodreads review of three stars. She just launched the book, so I am going to take the review as a potentially positive sign and give it a shot.

Overall, the weekend was a success and I was able to get a lot of uninterrupted writing done. I was away from my normal writing laptop, so I started on a nerdy teen romance short story that I hope to have ready for everyone to read in the monthly newsletter.

If you are interested in reading it, sign-up for the newsletter, otherwise I will post it to the website a few weeks later. -J.J.

Welcome to my Website!

Hello Internet Travelers,

I don't know how you have found your way to my little site, but I am glad you did! Currently, I am just getting started with the website and I hope to have more content in the days and weeks to come.

On the blog, I will be posting a wide variety of content ranging from comic books impressions/reviews to my own random adventures and stories.

If you would like to learn more about my work, I recommend signing up for my newsletter. The newsletter will include general updates, giveaway winners, and sample chapters from my novel and/or short story work. Don't worry, I promise I won't be spamming your emails with updates! I learned from my last job that people don't like emails, so I will keep them short, sweet, and monthly.

Oh, did I just mention giveaways! Yes, I will be having giveaways every once in awhile so staying tuned to my blog posts will be a great way to win! I will be focusing on doing one blog post a week to start and slowly doing more per week as time allows. Every couple of months I will be doing a giveaway. The giveaways will be a surprise, kind of like Christmas, but without the fear of an old overweight nomad stalking you in the middle of the night and bringing you "gifts."

I also have a Twitter account which you can follow @Jjlahr.

So, feel free to keep looking around my site and I hope to share some exciting times and fun stories with everyone! - J.J.