It doesn’t usually get this cold in Minnesota, but these next two days are not usual. A high of -14 and a low (with windchill) of -60 or -70 (-51.111 or -56.666 degrees Celsius respectively) at night.
To put that in perspective, that’s nearly as cold as the surface of Mars. Okay, nearly might be a stretch (average temperature on Mars is -80), but I think it’s close. Thankfully, I’m able to work from home the next two days and it will give me to time to catch up on some much needed reading, writing, and other school/work obligations.
With the first month of the New Year nearly in the books, it’s a good time to evaluate your progress on your writing goals. Some of you may have set some on New Years. Others may have just set some now. That’s okay. Better late than never!
My goals, as far as writing is concerned, are simple. I only have two:
Write a blog once a month
Write at least one page a month
The last goal stings because it feels so low to me. I want to be writing WAY more, but it might not be possible with my current schedule. The light at the end of the tunnel is nearing though and I will be able to write more in a few months.
To those who feel they are underachieving on their writing goals, just keep going and do your best. It might be a sentence, a paragraph, even a page, but whatever you do, don’t stop pushing toward your goals. Tell your story the way you want to tell it and enjoy the ride!
For those affected by winter’s bitter grip, stay warm and hide under as many blankets as you can find. That’s my plan. Stay safe and see ya next month!