
New Year, New Goals, New Everything!

It's New Year's Eve and during this time of year everyone is putting out New Year resolutions. Instead of New Year resolutions, I would rather do goals. So, without further ado, here are my New Year goals.

Sad robot is waiting for the ball to drop...2016 was rough for him.

Sad robot is waiting for the ball to drop...2016 was rough for him.

  1. Blog every Friday: Yep, you heard it here first. As you may know, my blog posts have been weekly, but inconsistent. So, I will be moving them to Friday to accommodate my schedule and start the weekend off right...accompanied by movies, good books, and video games.
  2. Get five short stories published: As you may have seen, I have only released one short story for viewing and I really want to do more. However, publishing them on my website is completely different than getting a story published in a magazine or anthology. I hope to get some of my short stories published in Asimov, Clarkesworld, Analog, or the ultimate long-shot for my romance stories...The New Yorker.
  3. Read more novels...and finish them: I don't read nearly as much as I should. I haven't finished Dune...or Wool...or Game of Thrones...or Mr. Mercedes...or whatever book I plan on buying this weekend.
  4. Attain agent representation for my novel: I have a novel written, edited, beta-read, and edited again. All I need to do is find the right agent. In order to accomplish this goal, I plan on submitting queries to 2-3 agents per week.
  5. Lose Weight: I know I sound like every January member at Fitness Evolution, but I do need to work on it. The weight is packing on too easily and wanting to stick around like the cold death grip of Minnesota's winter. It's time for me to melt a modest 10 pounds of fat through consistent workout and smarter eating.

So, now you know my New Year goals. What are your goals? Leave a comment on what yours are or message me on Twitter. May you all have a great New Year and remember: Don't be like the sad robot above.

I need to read more and so do you...

Over the weekend, I was working on a bunch of short stories that I wanted to get published in some literary magazines or contests (there are tons by the way) and I came to a realization.

I need to read more. Not just my twitter feed or the occasional news article, but actual novels. I got at least four novels that I have only briefly read. I definitely need to just find a quiet place, sit down, and just read. I prefer to read the hard copy, but it also makes me prone to daydreaming. Then again, reading on my mobile phone makes me want to roam Twitter, so distractions on unavoidable.

I put so much focus on balancing work and writing that I forget about reading, which is important to improving anyone's writing. As some may have seen, I am trying to decide between two sci-fi novels: Dune and Wool. Both novels have received great reviews and I am excited to jump into both stories. I am leaning toward Wool, but Dune is a sci-fi masterpiece (at least that is what I have been told). It is a hard decision. So, I have a little Twitter poll online if you would like to give your input on which one I should read.

Therefore, I have a challenge for all of you: I challenge you to finish one short story and one novel by the end of December and tweet at me your thoughts on it. The tweeting is really optional, but I like to hear what everyone is reading. The challenge will hopefully help everyone take some time to relax and enjoy a good story outside of Battlefield 1 or Netflix (I think Battlefield 1 is amazing by the way!).

I can give everyone some help with the short story part as my short story, "Greedy Little Fingers," is on my website for free until November 4th. I know its a shameless plug, but you're on my website already and its literally a click away. I couldn't have made it easier.

Anyways, until next week, keeping writing (and reading) everyone! - J.J.