Guardians of the Galaxy

National Poetry Month - Bad Superhero Poems

Hey everyone, sorry for the late post. I was working on some #badpoetry and I realized that this whole month was National Poetry Month. Talk about an epic fail having just learned that a few days ago!

Anyways, here are some of my #badpoetry. I will be posting them here first and then I will be putting them on Twitter. I know, slight change of plans. Here we go:


Iron Man’s red
Captain America’s blue
You would be too if
Tony turned on you

#CivilWar #badpoetry

Spiderman swings through air without a care
Swift like a bird, graceful and true
Too bad it didn’t save his Uncle, who knew?

#SpidermanNoComing #badpoetry

Gamora is green
Yondu is blue
Groot is a tree
Rocket Raccon...I mean trash panda

#GoTGv2 #badpoetry

Assemble the league of truth and justice
One Super man and a Wonderful Woman
With a vigilante, a merman, and two teenagers too!

#JusticeLeague #badpoetry

One woman will stand in 1942
For justice, freedom and feminism too!
Like a female Tarzan without body issues.

#WonderWoman #badpoetry

Dark as day, bright as night
Too bad Batman never carried a nightlight
If he did, then he would learn.
That his parents are still dead. That’s it. Goodnight.

#BatmanDarkKnight #badpoetry

His light was green
So was his ring
He could make anything
So he made the movie flop

#greenlantern #badpoetry

Some days are tough, others are tougher
Logan had the toughest,
Dealing with old Xavier’s dementia.

#Logan #badpoetry

X-Men of Future
X-Men of Past
Either kill each other
Or take out the trash

#X-Men #badpoetry

Roses like Deadpool
Deadpool likes roses
Because they remind him of Cancer.
Car wrecks, explosions.

#notDeadpool #badpoettry

He doubled his fee
Another cameo is coming
And the producers know its not free

#StanLee #badpoetry

Black Widow, Black Widow
Where could she be?
Not hanging with Hulk
In the old kissing tree…

#SadHulk #badpoetry

Thor was strong. Mighty and wise,
Never succumbing to the American French Fries
He may be charming, cunning, and cute
But it won't save him from Hulk's enormous size.

#ThorRagnok #badpoetry


My friends call me Robin.
My real name is Dick.
At least that’s what they call me,
When they beat me with sticks…

#PoorDickGrayson #badpoetry


These are just a few I have so far (not all of them get photos FYI) and I plan to update throughout the year as I think of some. I will post a few on Twitter with the Guardians one probably next week. Let me know your thoughts on the #badpoetry and let me know if you would like to see this continue. Feel free to make your own as well. Its actually a lot of fun! 

Also, I plan to make it up to everyone with another post this Thursday since I missed Friday. What it will be is still a mystery...for both of us.
