bad poetry

National Poetry Month - Bad Superhero Poems

Hey everyone, sorry for the late post. I was working on some #badpoetry and I realized that this whole month was National Poetry Month. Talk about an epic fail having just learned that a few days ago!

Anyways, here are some of my #badpoetry. I will be posting them here first and then I will be putting them on Twitter. I know, slight change of plans. Here we go:


Iron Man’s red
Captain America’s blue
You would be too if
Tony turned on you

#CivilWar #badpoetry

Spiderman swings through air without a care
Swift like a bird, graceful and true
Too bad it didn’t save his Uncle, who knew?

#SpidermanNoComing #badpoetry

Gamora is green
Yondu is blue
Groot is a tree
Rocket Raccon...I mean trash panda

#GoTGv2 #badpoetry

Assemble the league of truth and justice
One Super man and a Wonderful Woman
With a vigilante, a merman, and two teenagers too!

#JusticeLeague #badpoetry

One woman will stand in 1942
For justice, freedom and feminism too!
Like a female Tarzan without body issues.

#WonderWoman #badpoetry

Dark as day, bright as night
Too bad Batman never carried a nightlight
If he did, then he would learn.
That his parents are still dead. That’s it. Goodnight.

#BatmanDarkKnight #badpoetry

His light was green
So was his ring
He could make anything
So he made the movie flop

#greenlantern #badpoetry

Some days are tough, others are tougher
Logan had the toughest,
Dealing with old Xavier’s dementia.

#Logan #badpoetry

X-Men of Future
X-Men of Past
Either kill each other
Or take out the trash

#X-Men #badpoetry

Roses like Deadpool
Deadpool likes roses
Because they remind him of Cancer.
Car wrecks, explosions.

#notDeadpool #badpoettry

He doubled his fee
Another cameo is coming
And the producers know its not free

#StanLee #badpoetry

Black Widow, Black Widow
Where could she be?
Not hanging with Hulk
In the old kissing tree…

#SadHulk #badpoetry

Thor was strong. Mighty and wise,
Never succumbing to the American French Fries
He may be charming, cunning, and cute
But it won't save him from Hulk's enormous size.

#ThorRagnok #badpoetry


My friends call me Robin.
My real name is Dick.
At least that’s what they call me,
When they beat me with sticks…

#PoorDickGrayson #badpoetry


These are just a few I have so far (not all of them get photos FYI) and I plan to update throughout the year as I think of some. I will post a few on Twitter with the Guardians one probably next week. Let me know your thoughts on the #badpoetry and let me know if you would like to see this continue. Feel free to make your own as well. Its actually a lot of fun! 

Also, I plan to make it up to everyone with another post this Thursday since I missed Friday. What it will be is still a mystery...for both of us.


Winter is done...not the review.

Hey, you know two weeks ago when I said you would have a comic book review? Well...its not done yet. Belated April Fools! I don't think that's a thing, but it should be. I hope to have it done tomorrow morning for everyone. Sorry for the delay! It will once again be an older comic, but a good one!

Santa decided Rudolph was going to lead his sleigh no least the wolf has a red nose.

Santa decided Rudolph was going to lead his sleigh no least the wolf has a red nose.

I will also be putting out some #badpoetry in a few days, so keep an eye on my Twitter: @Jjlahr. What is #badpoetry? Its bad poetry...not much else to it. For those individuals who want to win over a man or women with clever words, this is definitely NOT the way to do it. However, if you want a challenge, feel free to try mine out. I have a bunch made up and some are worse than other (which is the point). The theme is: Comic Books.

You will be able to see all of them on the blog and each day I will put out one on Twitter. 

So, make sure to get up early for the review! Okay, lets be honest, it will probably be up around Noon. Sleep in and enjoy the weekend!
