
The Future of Our Minds

A mild winter makes the mind wander. Dreams of faraway places and technology that could only be considered fiction jumble around in my head and make me think about what could be possible. However, the one science fiction idea that has been coming to my mind recently has been about the mind itself. What are its limits and how could we go beyond it?

Technology has been advancing at a rapid rate and some ideas are becoming closer to reality, like improving our brain’s processing and storage ability (Neuralink). Still, there are still some ideas that are firmly science fiction, especially when it comes to the mind.

The big one that is being talked about more recently has been transferring one’s mind. I first heard about the concept through a movie called, Chappie, but its been talked about in science fiction for decades and most recently with the release of the video game, Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077, heavily influenced by Neuromancer, is a role-playing video game taking place in a fictional place called, Night City. The people during this time have gone through massive technology advances leading to human technology augmentations. Chips in brains, reinforced legs, blades that can come out of your arms, the sky’s the limit. But neurological advances of transferring the brain is also discussed.

I always found it fascinating what the mind could do, but its even more interesting to learn about what it would take to accomplish the task of transferring one’s mind to either another body or into the internet itself. Desperate to learn more, I stumbled along a video that gives a fun and simple way of approaching a large, complex problem. You can watch the video below:

What I found most interesting about the video were the three layers: Physicalism, Scanability, Computability

I didn’t put much thought into what would be required to actually do the task of moving minds around. Starting at the physical level and being able to construct the proper system to handle the mind would take a tremendous amount of work and require an effective scan of the brain. The scan would have to not only be able to map the mind at the basic structural level, but at a molecular level as well. And then, even if all that was done, there would still be tests to see if it worked properly and efficiently. I mean, were talking about over 2 million petabytes for a single human brain!

This is all under the assumption the mind, the parts that make up you and me, is something we can even replicate. My head’s all over the place when talking about this because I get so excited at all the potential it brings for improvements to humanity.

If you want to read over all of the information that is discussed in the video, I’d highly recommend it.

What are some stories (short story, novels, movies, etc.) that you know talk about mind uploading? There are probably a ton I am just spacing on.

Let me know in the comments.

Until next time, read, write repeat.


It's Cold, Send Blankets

It doesn’t usually get this cold in Minnesota, but these next two days are not usual. A high of -14 and a low (with windchill) of -60 or -70 (-51.111 or -56.666 degrees Celsius respectively) at night.

To put that in perspective, that’s nearly as cold as the surface of Mars. Okay, nearly might be a stretch (average temperature on Mars is -80), but I think it’s close. Thankfully, I’m able to work from home the next two days and it will give me to time to catch up on some much needed reading, writing, and other school/work obligations.

With the first month of the New Year nearly in the books, it’s a good time to evaluate your progress on your writing goals. Some of you may have set some on New Years. Others may have just set some now. That’s okay. Better late than never!

My goals, as far as writing is concerned, are simple. I only have two:

  1. Write a blog once a month

  2. Write at least one page a month

The last goal stings because it feels so low to me. I want to be writing WAY more, but it might not be possible with my current schedule. The light at the end of the tunnel is nearing though and I will be able to write more in a few months.

To those who feel they are underachieving on their writing goals, just keep going and do your best. It might be a sentence, a paragraph, even a page, but whatever you do, don’t stop pushing toward your goals. Tell your story the way you want to tell it and enjoy the ride!

For those affected by winter’s bitter grip, stay warm and hide under as many blankets as you can find. That’s my plan. Stay safe and see ya next month!


Disney BOUGHT Fox - What It Means For Comic Book Movies

As of today, Disney has officially bought Fox Studios for over 50 billion dollars. Well, $52.4 billion in assets, assuming $13.7 billion in debt, but that's what mergers are for. You get the good with the bad. 

Anyways, many people are freaking out (again both good and bad) about the future of MCU, X-Men, and other titles from Fox. There is quite a bit that will be happening. 

The Future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe 

With Disney buying Fox, they acquire many comic book properties, most notability the X-Men franchise. Of all the franchises Fox owns, this particular franchise has been quite successful over the decades it has been around. The acquisition of the franchise will shift the initial direction of the overall franchise, probably in the form of a franchise reboot, that may (or may not) be combined with the new generation of Marvel heroes like Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Spiderman, and Captain Marvel. 

Either way, X-Men is a franchise that could be easily transitioned alongside other Marvel story lines, creating a consistent Marvel brand. The same could also be said of the Fantastic Four franchise as well!

The Marvel universe will also have the option to explore these newly acquired franchises in the streaming world along with Star Wars. For fans of the Marvel, this is a huge win in some respects, bringing more stories with less limitations in terms of character options and story directions. 

The Dark Side of Disney-Fox Merger

The biggest danger with the merger of Disney and Fox, which if Twitter is any indication, has a lot of drawbacks. The biggest argument I see thrown around by creator's of movies and TV shows is the fear of losing original, creative storytelling. Companies like Netflix and Hulu offer a wide variety of content that isn't dependent on financial success in the same way Disney, Fox, or other movie companies are. Most large movie companies are publicly traded and rely on good box office revenue, DVD/digital sales, merchandise, etc. to keep the wheels going. Netflix and Hulu, although similar, rely on subscriptions and DVD rentals and are willing to amass more debt to deliver quality content. It's not that other companies aren't, but investors have more expectations with larger companies. Plus, Disney is more than just movies.

However, with this move, Disney will be taking up nearly 40% of the film market with their properties, which could lead to further saturation of the market, or worse,  less creative stories. The need to push out as many movies as possible with the new franchises could lead to cutting corners creatively, only focused on delivering the next adventure with Silver Surfer. 

This also leads to the next point...rating system. 

Disney is known universally and family friendly, two words Deadpool knows very little about. Movies like Deadpool and Logan may also be avoided entirely in the future. It looks unlikely that Deadpool would be messed with this late in the game with principal photography pretty much finished and post production under way, but stranger things have happened. The consensus is Disney would not mess with anything currently underway, but future stories with more mature subject matter will definitely be under scrutiny. 

There is probably a lot more to cover when it comes to the positives and negatives of Disney's merger, but for now, it really is a matter of waiting to see what will happen. My hope is it's all for the best of storytelling and the audience. 

Let me know your thoughts on the Disney-Fox merger. Is it a good idea? Bad idea? You have no idea and just want to be heard...err...read? Is that a thing? I don't know, but if you do, let me know in the comments! 




Winter is done...not the review.

Hey, you know two weeks ago when I said you would have a comic book review? Well...its not done yet. Belated April Fools! I don't think that's a thing, but it should be. I hope to have it done tomorrow morning for everyone. Sorry for the delay! It will once again be an older comic, but a good one!

Santa decided Rudolph was going to lead his sleigh no more...at least the wolf has a red nose.

Santa decided Rudolph was going to lead his sleigh no more...at least the wolf has a red nose.

I will also be putting out some #badpoetry in a few days, so keep an eye on my Twitter: @Jjlahr. What is #badpoetry? Its bad poetry...not much else to it. For those individuals who want to win over a man or women with clever words, this is definitely NOT the way to do it. However, if you want a challenge, feel free to try mine out. I have a bunch made up and some are worse than other (which is the point). The theme is: Comic Books.

You will be able to see all of them on the blog and each day I will put out one on Twitter. 

So, make sure to get up early for the review! Okay, lets be honest, it will probably be up around Noon. Sleep in and enjoy the weekend!


The Worst Superheros...Ever.

Everyone enjoys watching a great hero. Someone who stands up for what is right in the darkest hour, even if the hero in question has their own flaws (even more interesting then). But, what happens when we have heroes that we don't really want to root for?

I looked up a few superheros that had less than spectacle attitudes, powers, etc. but the best article to display horrible heroes would be an old Dorkshelf article called, "Top 10 Superheroes Way Lamer Than Aquaman." 

After reading the article, I agree with pretty much all of them. Except Squirrel Girl, but that's because I like Squirrel Girl. 

Anyways, I just thought of an ensemble comic book idea that could be equally stupid as it would be hilarious. 

Legion of Rejects - A Fan Fiction.jpg

I kind of want to know if that would be a good superhero story, so I may try my hand at a little fan fiction. I am not 100% sure yet, but it could be a fun little project. Still, my favorite horrible superhero would be none of these amazing characters. It would be...

Red Bee and his trusty sidekick, Michael. I can't even make this up!

Red Bee and his trusty sidekick, Michael. I can't even make this up!

Red Bee

Red Bee is a pretty horrible character. His only ability is to control swarms of bees. Outside of his useless ability, Red Bee has a "stinger gun" and a pet bee named Michael. Michael literally lives in Red Bee's belt and is only used for "special" situations. I shutter at the thought that a bee would be anyway near my body, let alone my belt. 

Hopefully, you learned a little bit about horrible superheroes to impress your friends, because I can almost guarantee your girlfriend/boyfriend does not care.

Let me know in the comments what your favorite horrible superheroes are and if you would like me to write a short fan fiction story about horrible heroes. 


My Favorite Superhero

Everyone was introduced to the comic book world in a different way. Some grew up going to comic book stores, browsing the history-filled collections and waiting patiently for the next edition to be dropped off. Some watched the amazing adventures on TV and sought them out during birthdays and holidays. Others read them quietly in the corner of the grocery store, waiting for their mother to retrieve them from the monotonous drag of shopping. I was in the last camp.

My brother and I would tuck ourselves in the corner, away from the busy shoppers, and seek out gaming magazines. On occasion, we would be lucky to find a Dark Horse comic book and read the latest Star Wars adventure. Now, that was my first actual comic book experience, but it got me wondering who I would consider to be my favorite superhero. I know, my mind works in weird ways.

I don't think I could say who my single favorite superhero is outright because I like so many of them. But, if I had to say just one, I would probably say Wolverine.

I feel like Wolverine was the model for every Gears of War character...#Probably

I feel like Wolverine was the model for every Gears of War character...#Probably

Beast and Dr. Harold Winston are practically the same...minus the blue.

Beast and Dr. Harold Winston are practically the same...minus the blue.

I remember watching, not reading, Wolverine on Saturday morning cartoons. My brother and I would wake up early (like 6 or 7am), sneak down our creaky stairs, grab a box of dry cereal, and start watching our favorite shows. It was the usually suspects of the 90s/2000s: Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Digimon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sherlock Holmes, Gargoyles, and X-Men. Are any of these shows still on the air? I have no idea. Pokemon and TMNT have to be right?

Anyways, I always liked seeing X-Men because of Wolverine. Being a small kid, I liked having a superhero I could kind of relate with. Having never reached the average males height, Wolverine remained special because his size. He was small, but strong. He was hardworking and had the coolest costume. Plus, who else can shot claws out of their hands!

As I have gotten older, I started to enjoy all the superheroes more and more (especially Deadpool) and it made the idea of having one favorite superhero quite unrealistic. So, if anyone asks me who my favorite superhero is a month, year, or several years from now, I would probably say I don't have one. Yet, deep down, I think it will always be Wolverine.

Or Spiderman...he was cool too!

Here's looking at you kid!

Here's looking at you kid!

What is your favorite superhero? Leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite superhero(es) is/are. - J.J.